Friday, 9 June 2017

Tonsil Stones And Resulting Bad Breath

You might have heard about tonsil stones before. A few signs that tell about the existence of tonsil stones may include bad breath, a whitish mark at the back of the throat, and irritation. The question is, should you be worried about these stones and the symptoms they cause? If you analyze a group of people, you will find only a few of them having tonsil stones. Many people who have these stones aren’t quite bothered.

Here is what you may want to know about tonsil stones if you are concerned about their existence.

Reason for tonsil stones

Tonsils are the two glands that are present at the back of the throat. These glands filter viruses, bacteria, and other foreign elements to keep them from proceeding beyond the back of the throat. According to the American Academy of Otolaryngology, these glands are the body’s first line of defense.

Tonsils have a coating of mucous, which is the same lining that covers most of the surfaces inside the mouth. This lining contains various pits and crypts. The number of crypts in the mucous covering tonsils varies from person to person. The job of these pits and crypts is to trap debris, bits of foods, and bacteria to keep them from entering your gut. The stuck debris can calcify to turn into a tonsil stone. The most noticeable symptom of tonsil stones is the frequent inflammation or irritation in the tonsils area.

Do these stones cause bad breath?

Most of the people with tonsil stones do not have any problems related to them. According to a 2013 study published by the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, tonsil stones are not much common, and they are generally very small when they occur. People who have these stones do not face any painful symptoms. Bad breath, however, may be connected to these stones.

Tonsil stones can cause halitosis, which is a chronic bad breath problem. According to the review published in 2014 in the Otolaryngology Head And Neck Surgery, the tonsil stone-related bad breath makes up to 3% of the total bad breath cases. This review also emphasized the need for more research in order to figure out the role of tonsil stones in causing bad breath.

Other problems that might occur with tonsil stones

The problems that occur as a result of the existence of tonsil stones may include inflammation, trouble swallowing, and bad breath. The good news is that tonsil stones rarely cause an issue. And what’s even better is that you can prevent these problems quite easily.

The best way to prevent problems resulting from tonsil stones is to make sure that you are on top of your oral hygiene. Brushing your teeth and rinsing your mouth prevents bits of foods, debris, and bacteria from reaching the back of your throat, which means that your tonsils will not have to deal with a lot of particles.

If you have tonsil stones, you may want to speak to your doctor or surgeon. They may consider the surgical removal of your tonsils if the issue of stones is severe.

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